Raising Funds
Every applicant is assessed based on need and supported as the fund allows. This includes financial assistance for low, mid, and high-tech assistive technology including magnification devices, cooking aids, software, etc.
Through the help of donations, we can make a difference for people with loss of vision. Contributions make it possible for Cherish Life to provide life-enhancing services that help our blind community live active and independent lives.
Please note: our support does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, age, political affiliation or belief.
Raising Awareness
Cherish Life engages in advocacy as it seeks to raise awareness among the general public. We act as an outreach and comprehensive clearinghouse for information about services for the visually impaired.
We provide information about:
- News and Research
- Local and National Service Agencies
- Rehabilitation
- Volunteers
- Training
- Braille Literacy
- Employment
- Family Support
- Education
- Scholarships
- Counseling
- Youth Programs
Braille Resources
We help purchase reading aids for the visually impaired and Braille training. Here are just three of the companies we source from:

Beulah Reimer Legacy
BRL products include the most popular children’s picture books such as Clifford, Disney Princesses, etc. in braille.

Low-cost braille books for children. Programs include Book Angel and Adopt-A-Reader.

National Braille Press
NBP, for children and adults (including print/braille board books for very young children). Programs include a children’s braille book club and ReadBooks.
Raising Quality of Life
Vision loss is not life loss. Recent innovations in assistive technology for the blind have brought tremendous benefits. Through our financial assistance we can help make available suitable aids such as:
- Computer, cell phones, software, TV magnification
- Social media, online shopping and banking
- Home appliances
- How-to videos
- Gadgets like talking watches, specialty sunglasses
- Mobility aids including white canes for the blind
- Cooking tools (contrast cutting board, speaking thermometer)
Here are the links to some websites that sell low vision tools and devices:
Maxi Aids: Read More, opens in a new window
Enhanced Vision: Read More, opens in a new window
Freedom Scientific: Read More, opens in a new window
National Federation for the Blind: Read More, opens in a new window
LS&S: Read More, opens in a new window
If you are blind or have a visual impairment, we welcome you to contact us and we’d love the opportunity to support you.